Community Lifelines:
FEMA developed the community lifelines to increase effectiveness in disaster operations and better position the Agency to respond to catastrophic incidents. Lifelines are the most fundamental services in the community that, when stabilized, enable all other aspects of society. When disrupted, decisive intervention (e.g., rapid service re-establishment or employment of contingency response solutions) is required. During the initial response, priority efforts focus on understanding and addressing community impacts.
Lifelines provide an outcome-based, survivor-centric frame of reference that assists responders with:
Root Cause Analysis | Interdependencies | Prioritization | Ease of Communication
If you would like to get involved in a COAD lifeline please email
Health & Medical
Mitigation & Preparedness:
Identify vulnerabilities in populations and across health facilities to different types of hazards and strategize pathways for mitigation
Use data to identify households in need of special consideration during disasters and communicate this with appropriate responders
Develop longer-term data-sharing agreements with orgs working in disaster mitigation/response to better serve marginalized populations
Support training for health/care facilities staff for emergencies
Support/provide resources to facilities for emergency planning
Develop plans and protocols for providing health and medical services to diverse populations in shelter settings or to pop-up clinics
Support household preparedness and response messaging related to health/wellness
Response: xxxx
Identify lessons learned that can translate into mitigation actions and communicate these with appropriate decisionmakers
Continue to support health/care facilities in their recovery journeys
Support provision of ongoing/long-term mental health resources to disaster survivors
Identify ongoing health impacts caused by disaster (e.g. respiratory complications)
Food, Hydration & Shelter
Mitigation & Preparedness:
Continue work to reduce homelessness and refer people to housing resources and harm reduction services (vulnerability reduction)
Support household/shelter mitigation efforts to ensure people stay housed during disasters
Identify specific vulnerabilities that can be communicated to partners for proactive risk reduction efforts
Continue work to improve food access, identify strategies to fortify local food distribution networks, with emphasis on local food systems
Map food access needs versus food resources.
Identify barriers to access during emergencies and ways to address barriers and gaps in service.
Work with cities/other providers to promote coordination of food distributions to avoid duplication in services and confusion around services.
Identify mitigation projects (e.g. urban gardens) to reduce impact of disasters on food access and strategize implementation pathways
Organize outreach for/provision of emergency food supplies in households, especially marginalized ones
Work with food distribution organizations and other providers to develop emergency operations plans
Coordinate and communicate with shelter operators, other COAD committees, personnel, and volunteers to support evacuee wellbeing
Communicate temporary housing resources to displaced people
Maintain situational awareness of food access needs throughout the county – establish regional subgroups if needed
Connect with key agencies and community members to provide critical food access information at the community level
Track grocery and meal distributions to monitor needs. Identify trends and emerging needs
Identify gaps in service and coordinate with service providers to fill them.
Work with providers to promote coordination of food distributions to avoid duplication in services and confusion around services
Assist in communicating about and outreach for food access sites and improving access for vulnerable populations
Continue tracking and monitoring to maintain situational awareness and continue to identify trends and emerging needs
Identify lessons learned and make recommendations for mitigation measures to reduce impacts for similar events in the future
Work with government to identify resources to transition people in shelters to temporary/transitional housing
Mitigation & Preparedness:
Identify gaps in existing communication networks and establish emergency plans for what to do in response to power outages and internet and cell service failures
Coordinate and communicate with shelter operators, other COAD committees, personnel, and volunteers to support evacuee wellbeing
Communicate temporary housing resources to displaced people
Continue tracking and monitoring to maintain situational awareness and continue to identify trends and emerging needs.
Identify lessons learned and make recommendations for mitigation measures to reduce impacts of similar events in the future
Identify lessons learned during disasters and report back to COAD and other government partners
Identify future mitigation measures to take to reduce risk for similar events in the future
Safety & Security
Mitigation & Preparedness:
Identify risks and provide training opportunities to help mitigate the greatest threats to human life
Identify vulnerabilities in populations to different types of hazards and strategize pathways for mitigation
Use data to identify households in need of special consideration during disasters and communicate this with appropriate responders
Provide culturally appropriate information about safety and preparedness to make sure that everyone is accounted for
Coordinate and communicate with shelter operators, other COAD committees, personnel, and volunteers to support affected populations safety and security
Effectively coordinate response to those most at risk
Help coordinate effots to provide trauma informed care and appropriate victims assistance to affected communities
Continue tracking and monitoring to maintain situational awareness and continue to identify trends and emerging needs.
Identify lessons learned and make recommendations for mitigation measures to reduce impacts for similar events in the future
Identify lessons learned during disasters and report back to COAD and other government partners
Identify future mitigation measures to take to reduce risk for similar events in the future
Mitigation & Preparedness:
Identify vulnerabilities in populations to different types of hazards and strategize pathways for mitigation
Use data to identify households in need of special consideration during disasters and communicate this with appropriate responders
Develop longer-term data and asset-sharing agreements with orgs working in disaster mitigation/response to better serve marginalized populations
Help organizations train their members in disaster preparedness, particularly evacuation routes, go bag readiness, proper automobile preparedness, and safe chainsaw use
Support household preparedness and response messaging
Working Groups:
We are also developing working groups to address and advocate for regionally specific needs as Lane County is vast and covers as much land as the state of Connecticut.
The Working Groups are: South Lane Valley, Coast, Mountains, and Eugene Metro. To join a regional group, please email